Category Archives: Uncategorized

Around the World Blog Hop

Hi, I was asked by my friend, artist healer woman, Dorothy Berry-Lound to follow her on this Around the World Blog Hop of Artists. Dorothy is not only an incredible being she is multi-talented!! She works in many mediums which includes photography, acrylics and print design to name a few!! All based on her depth of heart as a healer.
Her fabulous work can be seen

Now. About me…

What am I working on?
While I work in many mediums such as oils, pencil and acrylics. I am currently working on and in photography and writing. Creating prose and poetry that I can print onto original photos on my website. As well as learning the newest medium of digital art to create background art. I will use both my photography and art in my upcoming spiritual books, on my Facebook pages, Tsu, my blogs and with the Whales and children’s meditations that are upcoming on YouTube.
I have a book I keep with ideas that want to be created. Designs of sculptures, clothing, paintings (oils mostly), costumes for granddaughters! To name a few.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

While I am not sure exactly what genre I am in, what I know is that I focus in meditation on my heart center then hook up with my prefrontal cortex and go from there. It is a this meditation that brings me into focus and once I focus, my mind settles down. I then see what wants to be written or drawn etc. This is especially helpful when doing commissions for others. This may not be so different from another’s process but staying in my own playground makes it very original to my expression. Each piece I have created sings to those it is meant to. I am pretty abstract even in most of the photos. Unless it is a eagle, or a beautiful nature scene, for instance. I let them be them!!

Why do I create what I do?
Because I am a healer and teacher I always look for ways in my writing and art to touch people so that they may shift perception of themselves and the world. So with my words and art I assist people to see how they are creating their own reality! While at the same time embracing themselves for who they are!! There are many who say similar things as I, however, using our individual authentic voices and expression we touch, I feel, those we are meant to touch. I create what I do because it touches me or excites me or I feel a passion for the subject!! And it’s a lot of fun!!!

How does my creative process work

Hmmmm, Sometimes I feel like I have been tapped on the head by the imagination fairie, things begin to percolate. I say this because they (the ideas) come out of nowhere at times!! When I feel the excitement rise I know I am onto something. I will grab pen and paper or open the notes in my phone if it’s prose or stories. I grab my camera if I see a scene or critter. Let me tell you, it’s very difficult for me to not take photos all the time!! I see so much in each frame! Even if it’s just light and colors! I have to just let it flow. Ideas words etc. for me there is great beauty to be appreciated!! And recreating it in new forms to me is appreciating it!
IMG_9998 (2)

Who will be next on the World Blog Hop?

The artist I have chosen to follow me is Donald Mackay! He is my love of many lifetimes!! Don is a retired Episcopal Priest who, now that he’s retired has more time for his arts and passions! He is a fabulous writer, a fantastic photographer, and has taken up blogging on his new website, where you will be seeing his newest creation on digital medium!! He will be posting his contribution to the Around the World Blog Hop on Monday, January 26.

Time for Transcending…

Time for a shift? Time for transcending the limiting beliefs!!!? We have the ability to rise!
For once we know we have that belief we can change it. Once we acknowledge the thought it no longer need control us. Being vigilant of what we are thinking. Changing it as water changes course, for it is only a thought. Or just say at the end of the thought “up until now”.

Doing meditation to amplify frequency.
These limits are just another one of those things that is in the mind to keep us safe. And now we know we no longer need those limits for safety.
As we each choose this we are shifting everything!! Know this. You and I are powerful beyond imagitation!! Give voice to change!! Declare aloud to the Universe.

“I am powerful!
I am beautiful!!
I am creating my life with each and every thought!!!
I notice my thoughts. Or at the very least, I notice the ripples my thoughts leave in my life.
I have the ability to shift them all Now!!
I choose this now!!
With great
Appreciation I know
It is done
It is so”

I love you!

The New Year Awaits

new year

Taking down decorations today. I always hate to see the beauty of the holidays disappear. And yet I am always amazed at how large the space that the tree and villages and greenery leave.
In pondering ( love that word; makes me think of walking in nature around a pond) this, I see metaphor for life. I so appreciate the lovely colors of decorations and the spectacular light they bring into my home. But… By allowing them to bring joy in heart and mind and then releasing it to make space for the new…I am open and ready to embrace and create more joy, more love, more light, more peace & more beauty in my life!! And after letting go of even those things that have brought me joy I have the “space” to do so!! When I hang on to an old but loved, say sweater, it takes up the space a new one might occupy. So even letting go of the relationship that is good for one that is phenomenal is the thing to do. I do not mean go looking for a new person to relate to. But, if it serves to do so then do that too! What I do mean is to go inside clear out the cobwebs of old thoughts, yes, even about self love. Our inner relationship with ourselves. Let us think of Love as Love. Infinite Love in an infinite life! Let’s stop saying that we are now loving unconditionally. For when we say this we are actually leaving room (space) for conditions to exist!! (If I was thinner, better job, etc. You know!)
Imagine the enormous space we have for truly loving when the “conditions ” are absent !! Space where only Love is present!!
Now that’s a party!!!!
Let’s de decorate!! The New Year awaits!!