Time for Transcending…

Time for a shift? Time for transcending the limiting beliefs!!!? We have the ability to rise!
For once we know we have that belief we can change it. Once we acknowledge the thought it no longer need control us. Being vigilant of what we are thinking. Changing it as water changes course, for it is only a thought. Or just say at the end of the thought “up until now”.

Doing meditation to amplify frequency.
These limits are just another one of those things that is in the mind to keep us safe. And now we know we no longer need those limits for safety.
As we each choose this we are shifting everything!! Know this. You and I are powerful beyond imagitation!! Give voice to change!! Declare aloud to the Universe.

“I am powerful!
I am beautiful!!
I am creating my life with each and every thought!!!
I notice my thoughts. Or at the very least, I notice the ripples my thoughts leave in my life.
I have the ability to shift them all Now!!
I choose this now!!
With great
Appreciation I know
It is done
It is so”

I love you!

One thought on “Time for Transcending…

  1. Earth Angel

    Jut his is beautiful Jocelyn! When you get your like button up with shares, I can reblog this on my site! Great beginnings and gifts my friend! Heart to heart Robyn

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